Il catone maggiore marcus tullius cicero lb liber liber. Regarded as the premier literary figure ofbrazil, he was the son ofa portuguese washerwoman from sao miguel, azores, and a mulatto housepainter father. He is widely regarded as the most important writer of. O autor possui um estilo excentrico, riquissimo e instigante. He was a poet, novelist, and shortstory writer whose art is rooted in the traditions of european culture. Xix e uno dei maggiori narratori dellamerica latina. His masterpiece, the novel dom casmurro 1899, is a haunting journey into a mind warped by jealousy. Poeta, romancista, cronista, dramaturgo, contista e critico literario, testemunhou a abolicao da escravatura e a mudanca politica no pais quando a republica substituiu o imperio. Autodidata e ambicioso, tornouse um classico da lingua portuguesa. In 1897 he founded and became the first president of the brazilian academy of letters. Huerfano desde temprano, tartamudo y epileptico, fue aprendiz en una imprenta y escribe en su tiempo libre.
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